The Middle East

The Middle East conflict revealed in prophecy

Old world karma is coming up now to be healed in the Middle East. This has long be prophesied in scriptures such as Daniel, Ezekiel & Revelations. Most of this prophecy has been misunderstood – until now, as they are “unsealed” in the channelings of the Everlasting Gospel, brought forth thru Allen Michael. Here is a compilation of excerpts on the current upheaval playing out in the Middle East.

From the Everlasting Gospel, New World Bible

Book 1

The big event that is happening in the Middle East now is spoken of in the prophecy of Daniel 11:1-45. This is a karmic confrontation between the King of the North (principally America, Israel and England, with the Federal Reserve System as their defining icon), and the King of the South (the Arab nations of the Middle East, along with Russia and China) who oppose what is going on in the false Israel. The King of the North money moguls of Capitalism actually believe that they are creating the New World Order and that they are bringing about God’s Kingdom. They want the people to stay in their buying and selling system for another thousand years, using the people as economic slaves to their satanic system. p.8

Book 2

To understand this situation, which includes the karmic separation of the wheat 
from the chaff, we must look at the prophecy in Daniel 11:1-45, which is the longest
 prophecy in the Bible. It speaks in detail about the karmic cleansing last war for the
 world, which has begun to erupt in the Middle East. It says that the king of the south 
(the Arab nations, along with Russia and China) pushes against the king of the north 
(America, England, Israel, and their allies), and the king of the north turns like a
 whirlwind against them.

The American army invades the Middle East, to side with Israel against the Arab 

He shall enter also into the glorious land [the American army makes its 
headquarters in Jerusalem], and many countries shall be overthrown [the Arab nations,
 such as Iraq and Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Libya will be attacked]: (verse 41). 
He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. (verse 42).

This prophecy is unfolding in the war launched against Iraq and Saddam Hussein 
in March of 2003. Saddam Hussein is the 4th prince of Persia, referred to in Daniel 11:2.
 This war exposed the satanic nature of the Lucifer Group who control the American 
government and military. America is the nation that rides the red horse of the apocalypse (Revelation 6:4) who takes peace from the whole world.

Then, in Daniel 11:14, it says:

And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also 
the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.

This is the Lucifer Group (the “Dragon” of Revelation 13:4, the money changers,
 still in the temple), who are in charge of the world banking system of capitalism, and they 
are vainly attempting to create a new world order that is little more than enforced
 economic slavery under the control of the economic elite – the privileged and the rich. 
There is no judgement involved, for, as we shall see, this is simply the way it is – and it
 all comes to an end. At the end of the big karmic cleansing war in the Middle East, 
including civil war erupting in America, the military “Beast” of Gog’s army (the
 American army) comes to his end.

Thus in Daniel 11:45 it says:

And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

This is referring to the Lucifer Group using the American army to take control of much of the Middle East, using Baghdad as their headquarters. But here is where the king of the north comes to his end – through intervention by Galactica. This takes place as a worldwide extraterrestrial demonstration by Galactic Beings that brings an end to all war, and every army on the planet spontaneously disarms. This intervention comes as a necessity to end the bloodshed and stop a hopeless situation. The intervention will include large spaceships coming in over key places on the planet, where many thousands of youth who are caught up in fighting. This brings an end to the war, because the combatants will have been temporarily taken up off the planet. p.3

Book 4

The prophecy in Daniel 11:1-45 also comes into play, where the Jews’ Israel has gone as far as it can go, and a final war in the Middle East comes about, and Baal-Lucifer, who controls Gog’s army, “comes to his end, and none shall help him.”

Will this happen? Or will rising consciousness propel the people into action to offset it through our World Wide Work Stoppage/Karma Yoga Exercise? Only Spirit God knows for sure, and so far It is not telling; because that would let the people off the hook of karma without making any real changes, changes which are a necessity to progress into a new world.

As things stand now, all real progress of the people is being stopped by the secret world government. The Lucifer World Bankers have their blood money and dictate the policy for all the people to follow, which means going to war against whoever they declare is the enemy, or assassinating anyone who seriously opposes them, such as Lincoln, or the Kennedys, or Martin Luther King. Sometimes the assassination is of character, politically and through the media, rather than physical murder, such as with Bill Clinton.

When you see what mind is and how it works, you can see you’re being led astray by the Lucifer group. So now, the Dragon is about to swish its tail again and knock over the people. p.7

Book 6

As for the Zionist CIA, no one but a perverted soul could come up with schemes to trick those “ten kings” of the Middle East, who oppose the false Israel, the home of Jews who fled from the Holocaust in Germany and Poland. p.26

Book 10

Again I ask you, how could the Creation Spirit of the Universe have known all these things in detail, to put it in the Bible? It is the same Lord, so to speak, that is now leading the Israelites, who are all the common people of the world, out of their iniquities and into Its Kingdom.

This is not referring to the false nation of Israel of the Middle East, which is a home for Holocaust survivors and many souls of the Jewish faith. The true Israelites are the 12 lost tribes, who are the world’s cosmopolitan people. So the Americans and British – two of the lost tribes of Israel – are being caused to take their lands away from the heathens. The heathens are those who control the World Usury Bank and the military. p.20

Book 11

Now, the only wars left are the ones prophesied in Ezekiel 39:1-11 and in Daniel 11:1-45. The Ezekiel 39 prophecy is about civil war in America. The Americans have had it, and they are revolting to cast the whole filthy system out. The Daniel 11 prophecy is about war in Zionist Israel, and the kings of the Middle East are casting the whole stupid disgusting thing out. This is truly the end of the world for all those who insist on remaining dumb and stupid. p.11

We are ending this usury money system and forgiving Baal-Lucifer, and the Learned Elders of Zion who control Israel today. We do this by organizing and carrying out a World Wide Work Stoppage/Karma Yoga Exercise before the last war comes up in the Middle East. Daniel 11:44 speaks about this, But tidings out of the east [the ‘ten kings,’ appearing in the Jews’ Israel] and out of the north, shall trouble him [America]. Therefore, he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.

This is the last war, happening in Israel and the Middle East, and in America in the “valley of passengers,” where the people have taken all the crap they can take and are revolting against the whole dumb, stupid system of rich people and poor people. In reality, the world is abundantly rich in all things so that everyone can live like kings and queens.

Verse 45 of Daniel 11:

. . . and he shall plant the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain, yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

This means the end of the great dispute that has been going on since 1948, when the new nation of Israel was sanctioned by the United Nations after WWII. Then, in the war with the new Israel, which was and is a fake Israel, the Palestinians were uprooted, and Yasser Arafat eventually became their leader. If Arafat had known of this prophecy he could have applied spiritual wisdom to heal this conflict long ago. Anyway, as the prophecy tells, the king of the north comes to his end, “and none shall help him.” Why? Because most people know that the whole Israel affair is fake. p.12

From UFO-ETI World Master Plan:

As I keep repeating, the Last War for the World doesn’t need to come to the world people, for the world people have it within their power to go the extra mile by advancing a real World Wide Passive Resistance Movement and World Wide Buyers’ Strike. So then what will be the outcome of the Last War for the World, that begins in the Middle East and spreads across the US mainland because US troops are involved again? p.17

From ETI Space Beings Intercept Earthlings:

Let us use the real affirmations of truth now, because when the Middle East erupts, then it will be too late to plan civil social action. Then, when the Middle East is occupied by Christ Communists and the US tribe of Joseph has risen in the US, the world will be ready to accept the EG’s World Master Plan. p.23

This takes place in the Middle East war, in the ETI karmic cleansing of that territory, which creates the opportunity for Christ Communists to occupy that whole part of the world. There are already strong communist movements going on in Arabia, Egypt and Zionist Israel. The Lord does not order their judgement, but it comes as the result of their own stubbornness in plowing on in the face of sure disaster, vainly believing that their God ideal is going to turn the victory over to them. The problem with Zionism is that their nation falls apart without money.

And this is where the CIA comes in. The CIA didn’t begin in 1947; it began long ago when the Israel family lost the throne to the Judah family. Since then the Hebrews have been divided, contesting for the illusion of the world throne as the chosen people. I tell the Zionists that in Ezekiel 35:1-15, the “judgement against mount Seir” is telling what befalls the Israeli-Zionists in the coming Armageddon. They should see this not as God’s judgement come upon them, but as the precarious position that fate has cast them into. Which do they choose, to rally with Emmanuel now or to try and have their own throne of David? What all Israel people lack is the economic system through which the sharing of all things can come. In choosing to create this with me, they can choose that which blesses all people, instead of playing out the role that fate has in store for them.

Now the Old World International Bankers have the US sewed up so that the destiny mission of US people isn’t being fulfilled. The economy has been subverted so that the Zionist-CIA can get what they believe is their world throne, in the restoration of King David’s Israel. However, Emmanuel has come and given the Jews their real crown in the New Covenant-World Bill of Rights, with which we can all bring about the New World.

In the final part of Armageddon coming up, beginning in the Middle East and spreading across the US, the destiny or fate of the US Joseph and Israeli Zionism isn’t the same. At present they contradict each other. Zionism must use military force to maintain itself. But US Israel people must build and bring economic changes to fulfill their destiny. Those who control the old world banking system control US people. There’s no way for US Israel people to win their independence, except to now return the US to the kind of money system it was supposed to have in its beginning. To do this now would cancel all debts and end private banking, insurance, money and property values. So you see, dear Americans and US tribe of Joseph, you’re up against the firing wall. If you let yourselves drift on into civil war, you’ll really have a big freakout and it won’t be pretty. You can change it all right now, though, by rallying with me in making Michael’s stand with you (Dan. 12:1-13). p.74

About Minister Gabriel

Gabriel began to fully awaken to his channel while on healing retreats at Stewart Mineral Springs near Mount Shasta with the Clarity Breathwork community. It was 60 years after Allen Michael‘s Cosmic Initiation, 40 years after the birth of the One World Family Commune, and 20 years after the Harmonic Convergence. Gabriel was contacted on Mount Shasta by an Angelic ETI being revealed in the form of an angelic cloud. He has since been called thru dreams and revelations, and has answered by establishing his Ministry.
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