Benjamin Fulford 3-11-19: “Pope Francis fired as 13 bloodlines, Gnostic Illuminati negotiate end of Western civil war”


– Pope Francis relieved of power as part of deal between Gnostic Illuminati and 13 ruling bloodlines.
– two Western power centers, one based on meritocracy, other on historical rule, have agreed to jubilee and massive campaign to save the planet.
– Gnostic Illuminati, strongest in military-industrial complex, and bloodlines, who control finance and media, agreed to compromise as they have to present united Western front to make deal with resurgent Asia.
– Francis, who may stay on as figurehead, was relieved of power because of fiasco over Cardinal Pell.
– Vatican Bank with its 6,000 bribery accounts now run by troika of cardinals.
– in public, this fundamental change can be seen as ten cardinals have been defrocked, most recently French Cardinal Barbarin, convicted last week of covering up pedophilia.
– representative of 13 bloodlines: “Pell was admission and acceptance of Satanic Practices at our orders, other cardinals removed as part of process of ‘weaning them off’ of Satanic practices.
– Pope Francis fired because he was too high-profile in National Cyber Security Center; his past life in Argentina came back to haunt him; nobody in outside world is allowed to occupy office if they cannot be controlled by their compromise.
– eighth anniversary of Fukushima and deal being reached in part because bloodlines threatened with retaliation for attack unless they reached deal.
– West needs to finish cleaning itself up before final agreement on saving planet can be reached.
– sustained attack against Zionism, the main source of Western evil, is a good sign.
– truthful words of Rep. Omar about Zionist influence over Congress have thrown Democratic Party into crisis that could lead to its demise.
– Robert David Steele: ‘Kushner and Bolton will be dismissed from White House soon and Trump will disclose 9/11 truth in such a way as to terminate Zionist influence over US economy, government and society.’
– Zionism is dead as their lobby was neutered as House passed resolution 407 to 23 that did not rebuke Omar but watered down anti-Semitism; and Pelosi fired Jewish chief of staff Danny Weiss.
– Syria formally warned Israel to withdraw from Golan Heights or face war.
– Syria did this because it has backing of Turkey, Russia and Iran to force Israel to respect international law, while US military made it clear it will not fight for Israel.
– Israel’s nuclear arsenal—its ‘Samson option’—has been neutralized, which is why they can now be forced to cease messianic anti-social behavior.
– if they think God wanted them to murder over 100 million people so they could rebuild an ancient temple, they clearly do not understand God.
– targeted assassinations of key individuals taking place at accelerated pace to restore democracy and rule of law in US.
– hammer about to drop, as AG Barr met Huber prior to FISA declassification and mass arrests.
– Huber is being forced to finally take action against Clinton, Obama, etc. for Uranium One, etc.
– ‘pharmacidical’ industry under assault as Lilly forced to introduce generic insulin at half price while FDA director and Big Pharma shill Gottlieb fired for pushing states to cancel vaccine exemptions.
– move to make vaccines mandatory was desperate last-ditch attempt by Khararian mafia to use toxic vaccines to murder large percentage of population to avoid justice.
– huge, secret war also being waged by Khazarian mafia to grab control of Africa’s resources in desperate attempt to avoid bankruptcy of US Corp.
– Africa nearly twice as big as Russia and larger than Canada, and bigger than China plus US combined; last thing Khazarian mafia wants is for Africans to take back control of own resources.
– downing of Ethiopian Boeing 737 aircraft; remotely hijacked and passengers, including 19 UN officials, killed in attempt to disrupt UN conference aimed at ending poverty and environmental destruction in Africa.
– remote hijacking looking to have been really stupid move by Khazarians, likely to lead to bankruptcy of Boeing.
– second time in four months that Boeing aircraft crashed via remote control.
– China, Ethiopian Air and Cayman Islands have grounded all Boeing 737s, and other airlines and countries sure to follow until remote-control hijackers removed from control of Boeing.
– no coincidence that after all military officers left Trump regime, Boeing executive Shanahan was made Acting Sec. of Defense.
– Shanahan has no real power over US military because they no longer obey bankrupt US Corp.
– ‘many of lizard families have shares in Boeing, which is tied up with Lockheed Martian [sic] as well.’
– secret battle for Africa continuing on other fronts over control of mineral resources.
– this war seen in various news headlines, like story about diamond billionaire Lanaido dying ‘during penis enlargement surgery’; in fact, ‘he was taken to special private clinic on Ave. des Champs-Elysees in Paris late at night, long after clinic was closed.
– he was direct competitor of Steinmetz who was on run from several governments, including Belgium and Africa, for billions of dollars in back taxes from illegal purchases and sales of rough and polished diamonds smuggled out of Angola and Sierra Leone for many years.
– these two diamond dealers, among biggest in world, targeted by those at very top; one removed and one put back on his pedestal as King.
– Steinmetz helped by who’s who in Zionist Khazarian mafia, including Soros, Blair and Sarkozy.
– Indian diamond mogul Modi to be extradited after absconding with over 2 billion dollars from Indian banks; he will be picked up and become ‘poster child’ for legal system to show world you cannot escape long arm of justice.
– he is not one of inside ‘boys’—the wrong bloodline, and thus expendable in this Game of Thrones with Khazarian Zionists.
– Khazarian mafia also attempting similar resource grab in South America, with latest move to use cyber and energy weapons to sabotage Venezuela’s energy grid.
– rest of world has agreed to continue funding US military and transform them into benevolent planetary protection force.

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Study: A Course In Miracles – 3/13/19

Since co-creating A Course In Miracles study group with friends at the Unity Church, I have continued to offer a weekly reading here, posting inspiring passages each Wednesday to keep the channel open. Please feel free to add your comments and questions!

This Week’s Reading

Text: Chap. 29 – Part VII – Para. 1-2


Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls. Heaven cannot be found where it is not, and there can be no peace excepting there. Each idol that you worship when God calls will never answer in His place. There is no other answer you can substitute, and find the happiness His answer brings. Seek not outside yourself. For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where itn must be found. What if it is not there? Do you prefer that you be right or happy? Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides, and seek no longer elsewhere. You will fail. But it is given you to know the truth, and not to seek for it outside yourself. No one who comes here but must still have hope, some lingering illusion, or some dream that there is something outside of himself that will bring happiness and peace to him. If everything is in him this cannot be so. And therefore by his coming, he denies the truth about himself, and seeks for something more than everything, as if a part of it were separated off and found where all the rest of it is not. This is the purpose he bestows upon the body; that it seek for what he lacks, and give him what would make himself complete. And thus he wanders aimlessly about, in search of something that he cannot find, believing that he is what he is not.


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Study: A Course In Miracles – 3/6/19

Since co-creating A Course In Miracles study group with friends at the Unity Church, I have continued to offer a weekly reading here, posting inspiring passages each Wednesday to keep the channel open. Please feel free to add your comments and questions!

This Week’s Reading

Text: Chap. 29 – Part VI – Para. 1-2


How willing are you to forgive your brother? How much do you desire peace instead of endless strife and misery and pain? These questions are the same, in different form. Forgiveness is your peace, for herein lies the end of separation and the dream of danger and destruction, sin and death; of madness and of murder, grief and loss. This is the “sacrifice” salvation asks, and gladly offers peace instead of this. Swear not to die, you holy Son of God! You make a bargain that you cannot keep. The Son of Life cannot be killed. He is immortal as his Father. What he is cannot be changed. He is the only thing in all the universe that must be one. What seems eternal all will have an end. The stars will disappear, and night and day will be no more. All things that come and go, the tides, the seasons and the lives of men; all things that change with time and bloom and fade will not return. Where time has set an end is not where the eternal is. God’s Son can never change by what men made of him. He will be as he was and as he is, for time appointed not his destiny, nor set the hour of his birth and death. Forgiveness will not change him. Yet time waits upon forgiveness that the things of time may disappear because they have no use.


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Study: A Course In Miracles – 2/27/19

Since co-creating A Course In Miracles study group with friends at the Unity Church, I have continued to offer a weekly reading here, posting inspiring passages each Wednesday to keep the channel open. Please feel free to add your comments and questions!

This Week’s Reading

Text: Chap. 29 – Part V – Para. 5-6


There is no gift the Father asks of you but that you see in all creation but the shining glory of His gift to you. Behold His Son, His perfect gift, in whom his Father shines forever, and to whom is all creation given as his own. Because he has it is it given you, and where it lies in him behold your peace. The quiet that surrounds you dwells in him, and from this quiet come the happy dreams in which your hands are joined in innocence. These are not hands that grasp in dreams of pain. They hold no sword, for they have left their hold on every vain illusion of the world. And being empty they receive, instead, a brother’s hand in which completion lies. If you but knew the glorious goal that lies beyond forgiveness, you would not keep hold on any thought, however light the touch of evil on it may appear to be. For you would understand how great the cost of holding anything God did not give in minds that can direct the hand to bless, and lead God’s Son unto his Father’s house. Would you not want to be a friend to him, created by his Father as His home? If God esteems him worthy of Himself, would you attack him with the hands of hate? Who would lay bloody hands on Heaven itself, and hope to find its peace? Your brother thinks he holds the hand of death. Believe him not. But learn, instead, how blessed are you who can release him, just by offering him yours.


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Study: A Course In Miracles – 2/13/19

Since co-creating A Course In Miracles study group with friends at the Unity Church, I have continued to offer a weekly reading here, posting inspiring passages each Wednesday to keep the channel open. Please feel free to add your comments and questions!

This Week’s Reading

Text: Chap. 29 – Part IV – Para. 4-6


When you are angry, is it not because someone has failed to fill the function you allotted him? And does not this become the “reason” your attack is justified? The dreams you think you like are those in which the functions you have given have been filled; the needs which you ascribe to you are met. It does not matter if they be fulfilled or merely wanted. It is the idea that they exist from which the fears arise. Dreams are not wanted more or less. They are desired or not. And each one represents some function that you have assigned; some goal which an event, or body, or a thing should represent, and should achieve for you. If it succeeds you think you like the dream. If it should fail you think the dream is sad. But whether it succeeds or fails is not its core, but just the flimsy covering. How happy would your dreams become if you were not the one who gave the “proper” role to every figure which the dream contains. No one can fail but your idea of him, and there is no betrayal but of this. The core of dreams the Holy Spirit gives is never one of fear. The coverings may not appear to change, but what they mean has changed because they cover something else. Perceptions are determined by their purpose, in that they seem to be what they are for. A shadow figure who attacks becomes a brother giving you a chance to help, if this becomes the function of the dream. And dreams of sadness thus are turned to joy. What is your brother for? You do not know, because your function is obscure to you. Do not ascribe a role to him that you imagine would bring happiness to you. And do not try to hurt him when he fails to take the part that you assigned to him, in what you dream your life was meant to be.


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