The REAL New World Order

Most folks have heard of the term “New World Order,” but most associate it with the Illuminati and the Secret World Government who have tried to co-opt the true meaning to fit their secular purposes. What many don’t realize is that God has promised us a real New World Order and it is vastly different that the fearful scenario being foisted upon the World People. Here is a collection of passages and quotes from the Everlasting Gospel detailing the subject:


The situation on the planet is now a case where the Satanic Group [Secret World Government] is hallucinating that they are bringing in their version of God’s Kingdom, the New World Order, through their FRS/IMF money, which controls the whole world, and they have the whole world wrapped up in their World Trade Organization (WTO), shipping things all over the world for money. 4.9

This is what NAFTA and the WTO is all about. Exploit everything to the hilt! Have a world supermarket full of commercial junk! Haul the clothes made in China by ship or air to Chicago to be sold there; and haul apples from Sweden to London for the sake of the World Supermarket, as if all these things were what God is planning for the New World Order. 4.212

This is the Lucifer Group (the “Dragon” of Revelation 13:4, the money changers, still in the temple), who are in charge of the world banking system of capitalism, and they are vainly attempting to create a new world order that is little more than enforced economic slavery under the control of the economic elite – the privileged and the rich. 4.39
The big event that is happening in the Middle East now is spoken of in the prophecy of Daniel 11:1-45. This is a karmic confrontation between the King of the North (principally America, Israel and England, with the Federal Reserve System as their defining icon), and the King of the South (the Arab nations of the Middle East, along with Russia and China) who oppose what is going on in the false Israel. The King of the North money moguls of Capitalism actually believe that they are creating the New World Order and that they are bringing about God’s Kingdom. They want the people to stay in their buying and selling system for another thousand years, using the people as economic slaves to their satanic system. 4.8

Then, in Daniel 11:14, it says: And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. 4.21

Bush [Sr.], while in office, was also the character of Revelation 13:5 who spoke blasphemies against God when he announced the false “New World Order,” and waged the satanic Gulf War to demonstrate America’s military superiority, killing a hundred thousand men, women and children in the process. 4.64

The false new world order announced by George Bush, Sr., and pushed further by Bush, Jr. is just more enslavement of people. Global corporate consumer capitalism, running on usury money, supported by politicians on the payroll, is the clearest expression of evil there is. 5.26

Now the Lucifer Group has usurped the United States, as Michael Moore contested in his book, and also Bill Stills in his video about the Money Masters reveal how the Elders of Zion got control of the FRS and IMF money of the world, all along believing they are God’s chosen people to bring in their idea of a totally false New World Order, with themselves at the top. 5.173

Now finally the Comforter Spirit of Truth has come, and he is Allen-Michael and he leads the whole world out of the hell of duality that they are in; except for the rich of course, who can dine out at the millionaires clubs, and stay at the luxury hotels, and sail on the yachts and private jets, etc. But the millionaires are not going to hold back the super real New World Order that is engraved on the Masonic Pyramid on the top of a pylon that Michael Moore holds, that is on the cover of his book entitled, “Stupid White Men.” The title “Stupid White Men” exposes the antithesis thinking that those men are into, making believe that Capitalism is something great in America, and they are using the American military to keep themselves in power, and they don’t realize their oil, gas, electricity generating systems are all obsolete now, and the new electric Dynadran [free energy] system of utilizing the Creation’s electricity that is in the planet’s aura will come forth. Many new technological ideas for free power and energy began to be developed twenty years ago, and it has been largely suppressed. The same money interests still control the world now, and they stop technological progress so their old obsolete systems can keep on going. 5.175

The Secret World Government keeps all these things secret from the people because they think they can handle all the problems and lead the people into their false New World Order. 4.67

All of this was false, wrong, but the Learned Elders of Zion thought they were the ones who were bringing in the New World Order. Why would they think this? They misunderstood the whole event of Moses receiving the Commandments from his Space Command, making it into an ego trip, believing the Commandments had to be enforced through laws. Now, all the Republicans and Democrats in office are obeying laws, and they have judges and lawyers, the FBI, the CIA, and you name it, they have it. 4.212


It was the Zionists who brought Lenin into Russia in 1917 to lead the world movement of the common people. They arranged the deal that allowed Lenin to cross Germany in a special train that brought him back to Russia, into St. Petersburg. From 1913 on, the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and their cohorts made sure the FRS was secure in America to ensure the status quo. Meanwhile, playing both sides against the middle, they expected a new world order to emerge in Russia, where they believed the status quo judiciary-penal and money systems would be used to bring a grander, more noble world, a world run by the workers. They didn’t know Lenin planned to nationalize their banks. When that happened, they began conspiring to overthrow the new Soviet Union. 4.84

The Lord will only say, “I will turn thee back and put hooks into thy jaws and I will bring thee forth and all thine army” (Ezekiel 38:4). This is about Gog’s army coming up against the mountain of Israel. It is describing the 1919-1921 War of Intervention against the new Soviet Union, in which about eight million people were killed by the armies of 14 nations, who were led by the warlords of Zion, who hallucinate that they are the New World Order, and God is leading them to bring about Its Kingdom. 4.204

National Socialist Germany rose in the ‘30s, as did the people of Imperial Japan, both of them reacting violently against the Beast and the Dragon. The Beast is the military/industrial complex in America, England, and elsewhere, and the Dragon is the World Usury Bank, the whole thing owned and operated by the Learned Elders of Zion, who believe that God has destined them to bring in the New World Order. They sincerely believe that they and those Jews who support them are the chosen ones who fulfill God’s promise. So we forgive them and end the usury money system, and the military machine too. They have gotten lost from their real mission. So, as we of the 144,000 Elect bring about the Kingdom of God, we want to have forgiveness for them. They have lost the simple idea that God’s Kingdom is just sharing in all things that benefit the people. 4.112-113

Jews were supposed to be the people who would infiltrate into all walks of life, and not influence others as to their Judaism, but just teach the people God’s plan, which is always omnipresent with them as their talents/abilities to be expressed through creativity. 3.9

The Zionist OSS-CIA of those times turned a blind eye to Hitler’s plan for Jews to be exterminated in Poland and Germany. The secret leaders of fake Israel would allow their own people to be exterminated to create a smoke screen they could operate behind. They did all this, not out of intentional evil, but out of the illusory inner belief that they are the chosen ones of the New World Order. They are imposters, who pretend to serve God, but in reality wind up serving Mammon. 4.132

In verse 13 of Revelation 2, the Lord is saying to the Vatican, “I know thy works and where thou dwelleth, even where Satan’s seat is.” In WWII, the Vatican was in league with the satans of the Zionist World Usury Bank, headquartered in New York City in America, and now they have Americans riding on the Red Horse, Revelation 6:4, taking peace from the whole world. However, we forgive the Learned Elders of Zion because they are hallucinating that they are the chosen people bringing in God’s Kingdom through their New World Order; seeing it all in relativity, and realizing this whole situation is because the cornerstone was never laid so the Government could bring money that was just a medium of exchange. 4.121-122

Even though the CIA planning is evil, they are not consciously acting from evil intentions. They sincerely believe that all humanity depends on them to open the way for the New World Order to come about. 4.132

But as we see, JFK and his wife were invited to take a ride down the street of Dallas, Texas, in an open touring car, in which he was assassinated as planned. His assassins showed him and the people in a very subtle way that they controlled America. They believe that the FRS, IMF, WTO is the New World Order. This is the hallucination of the satanic Lucifer group who believe that God is leading them to bring about Its Kingdom on Earth. 4.183

This is all part of Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, that Dr. John Coleman is revealing. He was prodded by Omni God to expose to the people the evil that goes on in the secret world government that hands down protocol to the presidents of nations, and if they don’t obey their orders they are assassinated. The authors, Dr. John Coleman, A. Ralph Epperson and his exposure book, The New World Order, and David Ickes and his book, The Truth Shall Set You Free, are like the prophets Omni God has sent out to gather real facts of life for the people, who are willing and ready to end this old, evil stinking mess in the world. 4.169-170

The antithesis, what we call imperialism or nationalism, is the part of the people who are clinging to the old world order simply because they do not have the vision of the New World Order, and their religions are not of one mind to demonstrate to people now, in their ways of living, how the Kingdom of God works. 2.22

The satanic energies earth people have created, their bad karma, is at last driving them into the fullness of perfection needed in order to build their New World Order. 1.319

And, as this is the end of the money world, those who try to hang onto their worldly possessions will fall behind, to be trodden under foot as we march forward into our glorious New World Order. 1.89


The cosmic plan of the Universal Mind is taking place all over the planet; and it is a plan to end the old world order all at once, and to begin a totally new, New World Order – the same one that has long been promised! 1.163

Some of us on Earth are contactees of God’s Angels, that come in the clouds of glory (flying saucers), and have become channels of the Universal Mind. So, we can know anything that needs to be known to build a Heaven on Earth. It seems nearly everyone is missing the great declaration God makes in the Bible and all Its other Holy Books that It and Its Angels are bringing about the long-promised and prophesied Heaven on Earth. The world would be lost in total darkness if it weren’t for God’s promise to us that at the end of man’s meaningless world, the Kingdom of God would be born on earth. So what’s happening in all this wrangling and warring over nothing important is that the God-Mind is separating the “chaff from the wheat” – and with the wheat It will start a “New World Order,” or a “New Order For The Ages,” as it says below the Pyramid, shown on the USA one dollar bill, of the Great Seal of the official United States of the World. God prophesies in Gen. 12:1-3 about Abraham’s nation – “a land that I will shew thee.” Modern-day America is that land of Zion, constitutionalized by Joseph’s transient Masonic Order. Verse Three of this incredible prophecy says: “And I [God] will bless them that bless thee [the real United States of the World, which begins now], and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” 3.236

Know that the time has come to reunite with the eternal Universal Family to bring forth a New World Order. We can know that all the high men and women of the past keep reincarnating into every decisive age and keep doing their spiritual things until, at last, the whole world is in the New World Order; which will be so different from the past preliminary period we are emerging from, that very few people would recognize its tenets or have its vision at this time. 2.2

They [the builders] have plowed the fields, so to speak, and the good sowers have planted the good seed; so now we are ready for a total world reformation that will carry us on into great world celebrations that differentiate the old world from our New World Order. 1.123

In actuality, the real New World Order of total sharing, with equality for all, is of the Comforter Spirit of Truth, who takes the whole world into the positive things which are to come, that are happening now all over the world; and in that turned around election of the third millennium when Bush and Cheney came forth, they are pushing and pulling the world into war; all the while the Creation’s people are gliding in Galactic Spaceships which have been making crop circles to awaken the world. Galactic beings have channeled all the telepathic thought that has led people to create the World Internet, that is transferring the Creation’s people into a super real New World Order, which is free in every way. 5.27

The Soviets [tribe of Judah] had done the great thing in Russia that no group of people had done in one thousand nine hundred and seventeen years since I first gave the perfect idea through Jesus. They brought forth a nation based on sharing. It sure wasn’t easy, but they did it with my help. The Soviets keep wondering why more people of the capitalistic nations can’t see what Socialists have done, and change. Now though, people will finally begin to cooperate with the Soviet Union [in it’s dormancy], and together we will build a New World Order. 3.92

Galactic Beings are working with their incarnates who are in key positions, mainly in the Soviet Union, to build the dynadran [free energy unit]. Naturally, the Soviet Union would be more in harmony with their scientists’ efforts to develop the dynadran, because the Soviet economy would be enriched by such a fantastic development as unlimited free power – whereas the capitalist economy would be bankrupt by it. It will only come forth when we are well on our way into our New World Order, and there is no danger of its being used militarily. 1.97-98

You’ll have to be fast and not cling to anything because rapid changes begin to take place as this Everlasting Gospel spreads and ETI-PSI energies come in to make people telepathic. The capitalist-Babylon economy will be falling all over the place, and the workers of the world will have to keep the necessities of life flowing, while at the same time setting up the ways and means everywhere for the sharing of all things. This is the mission for the new Judeo-Christian Communists who rise now and lead all people into our real New World Order. The people of the Zionist International will be busy keeping Gog’s Armies (all armies that oppose Christ Communalism, which is the same as true Communism) from splashing up against each other all over the planet during the time it takes to make this Everlasting Gospel the main feature of the Pilgrim’s Progress into our New World. 3.256

[Revelation] Verses 7 thru 10 are about a war in heaven. Michael and his angels of the Galactic Command Space Complex fight against the dragon, which is imperialism and money people. This is an earth allegory explaining what it will take to get all the military junk in orbit about the planet cleared out of God’s sky. It’s bad enough to have the military junk on the planet! In due time we’ll have it all on its way to the smelters to be made into useful metals for our New World projects. The dragon is also Zion-CIA, and this war in heaven isn’t really a shooting war at all. God’s angels could explode all the military hardware in space and make a spectacle out of it, even letting pieces fall to earth like fireworks of red hot drops of metal. The people would think World War III had started in space. However, this needn’t take place at all. This Everlasting Gospel tells in advance about all things to come and gives the vision of our real New World Order. The military junk in space could just disappear. It can be dematerialized by God’s angels in a flash of gamma light. Who needs it anyway? Now that you understand the allegory of these important  prophesies revealed here you can see why these ETI messages in the Bible, with words and feelings selected from earth’s akashia, would come in symbology. 3.243

There is only one planet and one people, and it is abundantly rich in all things when they are shared, as they will be just as soon as we reorganize the world for it. This is the purpose of our incredible, nonviolent World Wide Work Stoppage. So start to celebrate our real New World Order now. Look for our great world wide flying saucer demonstration soon, that will unite the New Age People of my church rising out of the people. 3.8

To get into the PSI synthesis energies that ETI is in, and to comprehend the high beings’ action, we must see that their action is directed to clean up the whole planet now and make all things perfect here for a completely new New World Order. 2.38

The real New Order for the Ages is on the Hermes Masonic Pyramid Seal. This is the pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Creation Spirit over it, printed on the back of the one dollar bill to remind the people that they still have to lay the cornerstone before they can have any real peace and true progress. The cornerstone is establishing the right use of money simply as a medium of exchange, which the U.S. Constitution proclaims [Art. 1; Para. 5; Sec. 8]. 4.67

We are the World People, the people of destiny who bring in the completely new New World Order. So let us not reason in small terms – you know, let’s not ‘play with the crumbs’! 1.314

I am now uniting the USSR tribe of Judah with the USA tribe of Joseph – the two stable tribes of Israel – to create a real New World Order of absolute freedom, security and abundance for all people. And the real “chosen people” are all those who come into the actual building of my Kingdom. This includes Jews, Christians, Communists and all people who choose themselves to be by coming forth to create a real heaven on earth with me. 3.9

At this very crucial time, and in the past 20 years, it should be God’s Israelites (people lit up with the light of truth) telling the people of Babylon’s money-changer world where to get off (this old, dying world), and where to get on (the New World being born)! This is what this Everlasting Gospel does. It outlines God’s World Master Plan for building our real New World Order now. Get this EG to all the people you can reach, for it will help them make the changes into the coming Kingdom better than anything else. 3.239


The world of national independence is rapidly closing up, and we are all caught up in the birth pangs of a New World Government. And now this EG tells us how to obtain a complete New World Order in which all tears shall be wiped away and all things healed – and all people shall have real freedom, security and abundance. All natural resources and industries will be held common by all people, and each person will be a functional part of the producing of all goods and services. 1.51

The people under usury money can unite and move from here to there in one big step through our World Wide Buyers’ Strike, though. They don’t have to overthrow the so-called capitalists in order to rid themselves of usury. There’s only one thing left to do, and it’s to begin to organize a real passive resistance, legal civil disobedience movement that will cause all things that are not part of our New World Order to fall out of the picture. This would end the world of mere jobs that earn money and produce for secular profits. There would be no work in that sense to do, and everyone would have a thousand times more at their fingertips for their use than even the most wealthy people have now. 2.35-36

All we need is a majority of the world people in every segment of society agreeing on this “One Idea” whose time has come and cannot be stopped. It is the Uni-Christ Idea, which is of pure logic and reasoning, which no opposition can stand against or stop thru legalities or police action. The Universal Christ Idea has been like a sleeping beauty that would spring to life in these times and amaze everyone with just common sense, but could not be applied worldwide until now when the Kingdom of God shall be established worldwide. The New World Order we bring is exactly the beauty everyone imagined. 2.84

As the world is now, from the richest to the poorest, the people only have pieces of property and amounts of money. They are represented by artificial values put on all things. But through the EG’s World Master Plan, the world people will bring about one communal class of people over the whole world in which there is no private ownership of property or personal money needed by anyone. Each person calls one place their own, where they shall reside. Each person is free to come and go all over the planet using all means of public transportation, staying at any hotel, eating at any restaurant [see New Covenant-World Bill of Rights]. All entertainment will be provided by the people’s social schools of creative experience, through which all things are produced that are ordered by the people. As our world unity grows, human resources far surpass capital resources. Money can’t build the New World Order, but there are unlimited natural resources, energies, industries and, most of all, willing hands to do so, once the world people understand this World Master Plan and then act upon it. 2.81- 82

It is actually the inkling of this in people’s consciousness that has given them the revolutionary spirit to change all the status quo BS and create a real New a-new-heaven-and-a-new-earthWorld Order instead. I shall give to you all ‘a new heart and a new mind’ through which you shall directly experience the truth-reality of Universal Love Intelligence that is my Being. But you must choose yourself to be of my Kingdom to receive the blessings of total transformation. 3.220

Things like disarming the whole world, getting rid of money, ridding the world of the penal system, fulfilling all the world religions and doing away with all national boundaries and national governments seem staggering to most people. But once they experience Uni-first causes, they see that building the New World Order just naturally leaves all negative effects behind. 2.58

Nothing from this old world order is carried over into our New World Order, except our social sciences, technological know-how, and talents and abilities. 2.34

The problems of degenerative disease and mental and physical illness is solved, and all there is left for medical science to take care of is mechanical injuries, which there will be few of in our New World Order. 1.276

But I tell you that in the true communism of our New World Order there will be no money used, nor will there be need for any judiciary, penal or military system. The planet will be totally disarmed. We will learn how to operate as the Universe does. 2.80

The first game, which would make the first objective difference and would be real fun, would be to stop right here where we are and prepare the world table so that all people would share in the food and be properly fed each day (“Give us this day, our daily bread”). Do this as a starting place for our New World Order and our New World Government. Obviously, in doing this, our clothing, shelter, care, recreation, transportation, communications and energies will follow in the same way. 1.210

There’s nothing to win – there is only to end the old world and begin the New World Order. The people who argue against this New World are only arguing from the point of their inability to share, but total sharing of all material things is ordered by the Universe at this time and no group of people can change the order of these things to come. 2.32

The whole point with the failure of the Israelites, the United States Masonic Founders, the USSR Communists, and the Zionists in their attempt to bring a New World Order, is that none of them obey “God’s Common Cents Sense.” Instead, they force the people to obey man’s laws and governments, that never talk openly about the truth. If you have to get paid, then how can you make peace on the basis of “holding all things common,” which is Communism, and making “distribution to one another according to need,” which is Christianity? 4.148

Lift up your hearts and open your heads to the practicalities of a Universal Mind that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient in leading the World People into and thru a super joyful kind of nonviolent spiritual-economic 397471_445397658920142_2124857239_nrevolution that’s fun for everyone and gets the fantastic job done of totally converting our planet into a real New World Order – where the whole planet is shared by everyone and distribution is made to all people according to need. 3.275

This is clearly stated as we read in Acts 4:32-35: “The multitudes of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which they possessed was their own: but they had all things common.” This was and still is the foundation for our real New World Order. 3.228

Books of the Everlasting Gospel quoted:

1. To the Youth of the World
2. UFO-ETI World Master Plan
3. God Speaks
4. New World Bible
5. Michael’s Stand


About Minister Gabriel

Gabriel began to fully awaken to his channel while on healing retreats at Stewart Mineral Springs near Mount Shasta with the Clarity Breathwork community. It was 60 years after Allen Michael‘s Cosmic Initiation, 40 years after the birth of the One World Family Commune, and 20 years after the Harmonic Convergence. Gabriel was contacted on Mount Shasta by an Angelic ETI being revealed in the form of an angelic cloud. He has since been called thru dreams and revelations, and has answered by establishing his Ministry.
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